Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day Seven

I wasn't sure if any of what I photographed today would be usable, but then I remembered it's all about experimenting and seeing what I get. I was going to narrow it down to three, but I figure post whatever I take. Some of it may work and some won't, but I'll let you be the judge. The great thing about art is that what one person finds horrendous, another finds interesting, at the very least. On that note...while there is much I'm liking about the burbs (such as, not being squished in a subway car with drunk baseball fans, a crackhead lap dancing on her boyfriend, and the creepy guy talking to me, swearing he knew me in law school), I was recently telling someone what I miss about the city. Here are my top ten reasons for missing city living.

10. No raking.

9. No mowing.

8. No picking up twigs and branches.

7. No losing of husband to hours of raking, mowing, picking up twigs and branches, and now using a blower on everything that can fly (you make the lawn look so pretty though!).

6. Homeless guys that ask for money who sing improv and tell funny jokes.

5. Being anonymous, yet feeling like part of a community.

4. Weird quirky people as neighbors that walk around the building in a robe, make you mixed tapes, then act like they don't know you when you pass them on the street.

3. Stores that sell cheese, and only cheese.

2. Diversity. All types and all kinds, living amongst each other.

1. WALKING. I miss it more than anything. Stepping out of my house and having sidewalk for miles!

On to the pics...
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day Six

Well, super storm over. I learned that, just like traveling (or even just leaving your house) preparing for a storm with kids is five times more work than pre-kids. As a mom I start to think about worst case scenarios and prepare as one would for the zombie apocalypse. And now that it's over, we have enough canned beans to start a taco shack. You can never have enough cans when fighting off zombies. Also no such thing as too many tacos. I miss tacos.

On to the pics. I feel that they are becoming a bit of a mystery game. I guess if I get more people than myself to read this then I can ask, can you tell what these are photographs of? In art school I was always excited about projects that involved negative vs. white space, contrast, and anything graphic (as in shapes, etc., not talking blood or porn here folks. Simmer down). So I enjoy photographing things close up, from funny angles and in different lighting situations, just to find the graphic element in everyday things. You can find graphic design in anything and everything. These involve objects from the kitchen and laundry. Enjoy!
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Monday, October 29, 2012

Day Five

Waking up to the threat of a "Super Storm" is not very pleasant (especially since I grew up in Miami and thought by moving North I would escape hurricanes), so after getting some last minute canned foods and formula, and getting soaked outside a Target store while trying to convince my toddler to help me help her out of the shopping cart since I have her baby brother strapped onto me in a carrier...I got back home and right to it; playing around with some kitchen utensils and the little bit of light creeping in through the window.

Before I go, does Halloween really have to be enjoyed by people under 6 years old? Cause I just witnessed how sugar overpowers a toddler. Incredible Hulk kind of takeover. I'm thinking "no" is the answer to my question. We should leave sugar to the adults, along with other addictive things that make people act like crazy monkeys.
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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day Four

Once you start, you can't stop. That's how I'm feeling about this challenge. It's tough looking for inspiration if you're not feeling inspired (especially with this continuous gloomy weather, and a potential weather prediction of snow!), but...once I take a picture, creativity creeps in, I'm hooked, and then I'm snapping pictures of egg cartons. Maybe it's cause I'm only on day four, but it's been pretty fun trying to live up to this challenge. Some moments I have no idea how I'll keep finding my domestic subjects for a full year; other moments I think there's enough material for a decade. We'll stick to the year for now.

On to my egg carton...
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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day Three

A mild obsession I have with photography is the idea of giving the viewer a new perspective. The idea that almost anything can be beautiful, if just looked at differently. Seeing something close up, in warm light, or just simply out of context, for example, can completely change the way you look at any inanimate object. I don't mean making something random into "art," but rather, looking at the world in a new manner. We probably all need a little more of that.

As I continue with my challenge you'll probably see this theme in my photographs. I can't help it.

Speaking of new random thought for today: Why is Christmas already bombarding the retail world? I thought the explosion of consumerism season started around Thanksgiving. I'd like to digest my pumpkin pie before getting hit up by toy store elves trying to stick my wallet in their tiny pants. Thanks.
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Friday, October 26, 2012

Day Two

Light seemed to be my inspiration today. Probably because we've had one too many gloomy rainy days. I couldn't pick one, so I'll share all three. It's amazing how you start to look at things when you change your thinking.

Random thought for today:
Thank you Trader Joe's...for moving to my area. While theme park sized supermarkets are useful on occasion, I prefer my easy to maneuver store with fun quirky products. Oh, and also that you don't tempt my toddler with toys, books, balloons, and candy at the checkout line. You get me Mr. Joe.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day One

Ok, so it's Day One. It's the first thing I looked at. One of my three year old's many pumpkins. Relax, I have 364 more days to get a bit more creative. And look...I'll even throw in a second...

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The One Photo A Day Challenge

My old work
My New Work

So I'll get right to it. Oh right...what is this blog all about? I won't bore those who just want to look at a picture, so if you're interested in what it's all about check the "about me" section. Otherwise, the short version is this:

My challenge:
To take at least one photo a day for the next year. Just using an iPhone and a Photoshop app. The challenge is that my life revolves around my house, my kids, and everything that goes with it. So I'm challenging myself to find inspiration in what surrounds me. This is a personal project and I realize I might be the only one reading this, but for those random few who stumbled upon this site ...welcome and hope you find it amusing enough to return!
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