Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day Seven

I wasn't sure if any of what I photographed today would be usable, but then I remembered it's all about experimenting and seeing what I get. I was going to narrow it down to three, but I figure post whatever I take. Some of it may work and some won't, but I'll let you be the judge. The great thing about art is that what one person finds horrendous, another finds interesting, at the very least. On that note...while there is much I'm liking about the burbs (such as, not being squished in a subway car with drunk baseball fans, a crackhead lap dancing on her boyfriend, and the creepy guy talking to me, swearing he knew me in law school), I was recently telling someone what I miss about the city. Here are my top ten reasons for missing city living.

10. No raking.

9. No mowing.

8. No picking up twigs and branches.

7. No losing of husband to hours of raking, mowing, picking up twigs and branches, and now using a blower on everything that can fly (you make the lawn look so pretty though!).

6. Homeless guys that ask for money who sing improv and tell funny jokes.

5. Being anonymous, yet feeling like part of a community.

4. Weird quirky people as neighbors that walk around the building in a robe, make you mixed tapes, then act like they don't know you when you pass them on the street.

3. Stores that sell cheese, and only cheese.

2. Diversity. All types and all kinds, living amongst each other.

1. WALKING. I miss it more than anything. Stepping out of my house and having sidewalk for miles!

On to the pics...
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  1. My favorites are the shoe and the one above it (though i'm not sure what the one above it is of).

    This is an awesome idea and you are a fabulous photographer! I look forward to seeing your work every day.


  2. Thank you! I look forward to it as well! As for the pic above the's the top of a stainless steel coffee pot. It caught such great light! It was dirty and in the sink, by the way ;)
